AHS Rube Goldberg Machine Team

Rube Machine Task for 2017:
Apply a Band-Aid in at least 20 steps.

We need your HELP!

The AHS Rube Goldberg Machine team is traveling to the National Contest on March 25 after the Regional win at Purdue University.  The Rube Goldberg contest gives students an opportunity to display their engineering and science skills in a fun and competitive environment.


In order to compete at the national contest, the students need $1000 for entry fee, lodging, and transportation.  Without help, many of the team members will experience financial hardship to attend the event.


Donations from the community will allow students to represent the school and the Anderson community at this national event.


Please make financial gifts through the Anderson Education Foundation (AEF) with Rube Goldberg in the memo line.  The AEF is a 501c3 organization and located at 1600 Hillcrest Ave, 46011. 


Your donation will directly help the AHS students in the Rube Goldberg Machine Club.


Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Rube Goldberg Machine 2017
Purdue Regional Contest, Feb.18
  • Winner 1st Place
  • Award for Creativity
  • Award for Spirit of Rube Goldberg
National Contest, March 25
at Center of Science & Industry
in Columbus, OH