General Announcements » Announcements for 12/2/19

Announcements for 12/2/19


  • Want a school spirit shirt that isn’t specifically for your class? Have an idea for a school wide shirt design? Send your ideas to senior treasurer Dorion Fritz, [email protected]. Once we have designs, there will be a vote, and then we will take orders. You have a say, so speak up! They are due Friday. Go Tribe!

  • Come join senior exec this Friday at Merry Movie Night! Activities begin @5pm, with the Polar Express beginning at 6. Activities include ornament making, cookie decorating, and winter themed coloring pages. Bring a pillow and blanket for comfort, and wear your ugly christmas sweaters! $5 for the movie, a cup of hot chocolate, and a cookie to decorate. We will also have popcorn and puppy chow for sale!

  • FCA will meet in A223 on Wednesday, 12-4 at 7:15 AM

  • Navy JROTC cadets are reminded to register and purchase their  tickets for this Saturday’s annual military ball no later than tomorrow’s end of the school day. Register online via the link sent to your gmail account, or drop by the NJROTC office. Come celebrate Christmas and the U.S. Navy’s 244th birthday party! Dance, great food, door prizes, and FUN await you and your guest!

  • Academic team travels to frankton Wednesday, 12/4