- A List Of Issues From Your Deans
These items listed below are the most common issues that are seen in the dean's office: - Bullying will not be tolerated, whether it be verbal, written, or of an electronic nature. Please show compassion and respect to all individuals.
- Please do not disrupt others in class. Their education is important too.
- Please be respectful to all staff/faculty members at AHS in your actions and in words.
- The following are some of the items a student may be suspended for:
- Failure to identify oneself to faculty/staff.
- Forgery/giving false information.
- Leaving class without the teacher's permission.
- Leaving school without parental permission.
- Profanity to a student or a faculty or staff member. Please choose your words carefully and wisely to all individuals.
Rules of Conduct
In order to be an efficient and educationally effective school, Anderson High School expects all of its students to follow the rules governing school conduct. The rules have been put in place for the protection and safety of all students, teachers, and staff at Anderson High School.
Rules of conduct apply during school, while on school grounds, coming to school, and returning home from school. In addition, a student at Anderson High School may be disciplined for unlawful acts away from school grounds which could be interpreted as interfering with school policy and the education process.
The rules of Anderson High School are written in the ACSC Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook. It is every student and parent's responsibility to read and to become familiar with the handbook.
Anderson High School also reserves the right to implement discipline on a specific instance or the seriousness of the offense. The behavioral record of a student will be taken into consideration when discipline occurs.
Indiana Law specifies that a student's driver's license will be suspended (invalidated) after a second suspension from school during a school year, expulsion, or habitual truancy.
In order to be an efficient and educationally effective school, Anderson High School expects all of its students to follow the rules governing school conduct. The rules have been put in place for the protection and safety of all students, teachers, and staff at Anderson High School.
Rules of conduct apply during school, while on school grounds, coming to school, and returning home from school. In addition, a student at Anderson High School may be disciplined for unlawful acts away from school grounds which could be interpreted as interfering with school policy and the education process.
The rules of Anderson High School are written in the ACSC Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook. It is every student and parent's responsibility to read and to become familiar with the handbook.
Anderson High School also reserves the right to implement discipline on a specific instance or the seriousness of the offense. The behavioral record of a student will be taken into consideration when discipline occurs.
Indiana Law specifies that a student's driver's license will be suspended (invalidated) after a second suspension from school during a school year, expulsion, or habitual truancy.
***** Students could also use community service projects with the permission of the dean/administrator or sponsor of the project.
HABITUAL OFFENDERS: Students who accumulate multiple infractions may receive more severe discipline consequences. Non-compliance of school rules may result in alternative school placement/suspension/expulsion from school and referral to juvenile probation.
HABITUAL OFFENDERS: Students who accumulate multiple infractions may receive more severe discipline consequences. Non-compliance of school rules may result in alternative school placement/suspension/expulsion from school and referral to juvenile probation.
- Last Name A-E
Ms. Rhodes
Extension 8116 - Last Name F-L
Ms. Latimore
Extension 8030 - Last Name M-R
Mr. Lenter
Extension 8031 - Last Name S-Z
Mr. Brown
Extension 8034