General Announcements » Announcements for 12/12/19

Announcements for 12/12/19

  • Thank you to out AHS NJROTC cadets!: Their Indian pride patrol cleaned our windows in major high visibility areas and helped us stat healthy during fly season by disinfecting all handrails and door knobs. Well done cadets!

  • Sophomores and juniors- your fall 2019 PSAT scores are available now online at the college SIgn in with the email you provided on the day of testing to gain access to your account. No email? All of you will get your printed score reports later this week at lunch. Seniors- your October SAT reports are also available online. See Ms. Glaze in I101 to see your report. 

  • Friends of Levi Crusmeyer, please sign the poster in the lunchroom today as a tribute to Levi.

  • Attention Seniors- Please check your school email and fill out the senior superlatives survey. Make sure to vote appropriately for the best fit. Votes are due next Thursday, the 19th!