Turnaround Principal #6: Enabling the Effective Use of Data

Ensure the school-wide use of data focused on improving teaching and learning. Examples of data that an LEA may consider include: student outcome data, such as student achievement data, graduation rates, dropout rates, student attendance rates, percentage of students completing advanced coursework, discipline incidents, truants, distribution of teachers by performance level on the LEA’s teacher evaluation and support system, and teacher attendance rate. An LEA may also wish to examine the results of formative or interim assessments to help improve classroom instruction.
Strategies must be included for the following:
  • Multiple forms of data are presented in user-friendly formats and in a timely manner to drive all decisions for improving climate and culture.
  • Multiple forms of data are presented in user-friendly formats in a timely manner to drive all decisions for improving student achievement. (Key Room – Grad Point)
  • A specific schedule and process for the analysis of on-going formative assessment data tied to the CCRSS aligned curriculum that includes the specific goals for improvement, defined strategies, progress monitoring and evaluation.